Top 5 mistakes to avoid with Facebook Marketplace

Top 5 mistakes to avoid with Facebook Marketplace
With that in mind, I wanted to share Top 5 mistakes to avoid with Facebook Marketplace Shoppers:

Imagine walking into Macy’s and asking to try on a suite you saw at the window, only to be told that you should leave your Full Name, Email, Cell Phone and someone will get back to you tomorrow! That’s absurd if that’s your engagement model with Facebook Marketplace Shoppers.
But ironically, that’s how majority of the dealerships are engaging with inquires from Facebook Marketplace! The Live Agents constantly pepper the Car Shoppers for Email, Cell phone.
61% of shoppers prefer to do business with brands they can message! Insisting on terms of engagment that fit your plans vs your Marketplace Shoppers is not a wise move
If you are not able to respond to Shopper’s inquiries from Facebook Marketplace within few seconds, the shopper would be long gone.
These shopper are searching for a specific Model and have probably messaged a few other Sellers as well. The sooner you engage these Shopper with relevant content, the better your opportunity to engage them.
Cars that are overpriced will not attract shoppers. So if your dealership is focused on Gross Margins, then you might want to consider a different strategy for Facebook Marketplace listings.
VIN decoding is an integral part of Facebook Marketplace which results in displaying the Car’s Features along with Kelly Blue Book Value. If majority of your inventory is shown over-priced, it would not appeal to In-Market Shoppers despite the fact that you might be willing to negotiate aggressively.

One of the pre-defined questions from Facebook Marketplace shoppers is about the car’s availability. 95% of our shoppers choose that option to Message Sellers.
However, despite the question being simple, most outsourced BDC teams are chartered to generate leads and do not respond to such a simple question.
Also, Sales and Management Titles are far too intimidating at these early stages of engagement. Car shoppers are seeking basic information about availability and the condition of the car.
Live Chat option is on the most critical offerings to help car shoppers engage with the dealerships. The option should connect the shopper with a Sales or Finance staff who know something about the car that was subject of that inquiry.
Confusing LIVE Chat with a pure lead gen is a critical mistake. member of the Sales Team at the dealership who can provide reliable information to the Car Shopper.
Also, keep track of how quickly your team responds to Live Chat requests and develop an escalation protocol to route these request if the designated Reps are not responding within 3-5 minutes.

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